CONTACT US on (650) 591-4447 or

Divine Services

Sunday Services
(Regular Schedule)

Orthros: 8:45 AM
Divine Liturgy: 10:00 AM

(when scheduled)

Orthros: 8:30 AM
Divine Liturgy: 9:30 AM

Great Vespers

Saturday at 5:30 PM

Live Webcast

Sunday Orthros & Divine Liturgy
Weekday Services
Saturday Great Vespers

View webcast now

Recorded Sermons

List of recorded sermons
from liturgy and other
church holidays

View recorded sermons

Sunday Bulletin

This upcoming week's services,
special announcements,
and other daily church events

View Sunday's bulletin

Join Our Bible Study

Join us on our weekly Bible Study
as well as our Studies
in the Faith classes

Click for More Info


Join the Ladies Philoptochos Society at one of their
wonderful philanthropic events and witness first hand
how they make a difference in the lives of so many people.

Click for More Info

You are invited to light a candle for yourself or for your
loved ones. Each morning Father Peter will light the
candles for all those that have requested.

Light a Candle



Click here for Sunday's Hymns in PDF.   

HOUSE BLESSINGS - the month of January

Please click here and complete the form, or pick up a form in the Narthex if you would like to have your house blessed for the new year. You will receive a call/email from Father to confirm.


CRAB FEED - Saturday, January 25

Crab Feed 2025 is full up! Thank you for the reservations. Hors d’oeuvres will be served starting at 6:00 PM; Dinner starts at 7:30 PM. 


PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS - The Philoptochos Phlash for JANUARY 2025

Click here to read the latest issue of The Philoptochos Phlash!


MESSINIANS DINNER DANCE - Saturday, February 1

Join the Society of Navarino Messinians for their Annual Dinner Dance. Live music by Mythos Band at Brotherhood Masonic Center. Cocktails at 6 PM, dinner at 7 PM. RSVP by January 23. Please click here for tickets. Please click here for the event flyer.


FDF PREVIEW - Saturday February 8

The Holy Cross Dance Program is thrilled to invite you to our FDF Preview on Saturday, February 8!  Cocktail hour at 6:00pm, Dinner at 6:45pm. This event promises to be a night full of food, drinks, live music, and a sneak peek of the incredible performances your kids will be showcasing at FDF. Click this link - tickets will sell quickly! Click here for the event flyer.



Kids’n’Cancer Fundraising Begins! Coffee Hour Reception, Sunday, February 9

It is that time once again to “give your heart to a child with cancer.”  The Holy Cross Philoptochos invites the entire parish to a delicious hosted coffee hour reception on Sunday, February 9 following Liturgy in The Oaks to share Food, Fellowship and Fun! There will be an amazing drawing with fantastic prizes.  Last year we exceeded our goal of $15,000.  Our hope is to reach $20,000 this year, God willing. /  The San Francisco Metropolis Philoptochos is the only Metropolis Philoptochos to sponsor and fund this kind of ministry.  Each year children are identified by pediatric oncologists in their areas to attend one of the four camps the Metropolis staffs regionally.  One is in the Northwest area, one at St. Nicholas Ranch in Dunlap, one is in the San Diego area and one in Arizona.  These camps welcome not only the children but also their entire families to have a brief respite from the ravages of this deadly disease. The connections that are made among families, and between the families and our Philoptochos, last a lifetime.   /  Please join us!  Click here for our event flyer with details about how to donate.  /  With our Love, Holy Cross Philoptochos



The Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will be held on Sunday, March 30. This Archdiocese-wide, faith-based speech festival provides our young people with an opportunity to write and deliver an oral presentation about a topic in Orthodoxy. The Festival is open to grades 3-12. Children in grades 3-6 can write a speech on the topic of their choice and those in grades 7-12 must write on a topic in their age category. Public speaking is important throughout life and this festival offers a way for our youth to learn these important skills while exploring their faith. Please encourage the young people in your life to participate. Contact Allison Virsik ( with questions and to register. Topics can be found at: 



We are in need of judges for the Parish Festival on Sunday, March 30 and for the District Festival which will be hosted by Holy Cross on Sunday, April 6. If you are willing to serve in this capacity, please contact Allison Virsik ( There are no longer restrictions on serving multiple years in a row, so you can serve as a judge even if you have served in this capacity last year!



Donate basic hygiene and daily care items to children of San Mateo Park Elementary School. Deposit items in collection box in our Fellowship Hall or go to: and order on-line shipping directly to school. Philoptochos appreciates your support. Email here if you have questions:



$250,000 in scholarships are available!  The application (due on January 31, 2025), criteria, requirements, and guidelines are available at  Click here for the flyer, or contact 312-357-6432 or for info.   

Upcoming Services

Sunday, January 19 – Twelfth Sunday of Luke – 8:45 AM, Orthros, 10:00 AM, Divine Liturgy
Thursday, January 23 – Solemn Vespers, 7:00 PM @ Saint Pius in Redwood City. Live Stream here.
Saturday, January 25 – Saint Gregory the Theologian – 8:30 AM Orthros, Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM
Saturday, January 25 – Great Vespers, 5:30 PM
Sunday, January 26 – Fifteenth Sunday of Luke – 8:45 AM, Orthros, 10:00 AM, Divine Liturgy
Thursday, January 30 – The Three Hierarchs – 8:30 AM Orthros, Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM
Saturday, February 1 – Great Vespers, 5:30 PM
Sunday, February 2 – Presentation of the Lord – 8:45 AM, Orthros, 10:00 AM, Divine Liturgy
Thursday, February 6 – Saint Photios – 8:30 AM Orthros, Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM
Saturday, February 8 – Great Vespers, 5:30 PM
Sunday, February 9 – Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee / Triodion Begins – 8:45 AM, Orthros, 10:00 AM, Divine Liturgy

About Us

We are a Greek Orthodox church united in communion with all other Eastern Orthodox churches.


. . . about the life of the church, about church events and services; or you would like to subscribe to Father Peter's "For Consideration" newsletter, Click Here

An easy way to support our parish Youth Ministries Programs sponsored by the Youth Council of Holy Cross is through eScrip. Signing up is easy. Click the linked image above, enter "Youth Council of the Holy Cross Church" or our Group ID# 6079703 when prompted, then complete the remaining steps. That's it! Thank you for your support.



The Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross
900 Alameda, Belmont, CA, 94002-1604
Voice: (650) 591-4447

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View photos from our church's various past events on the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross Flickr website

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© 2021. The Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross